woensdag 4 februari 2009

Food bank for animals in Amsterdam

As you may know, the Dutch are a nation of animal lovers. We have a politic party that looks after the rights of animals. So perhaps it isn't too surprising that a food bank for pets is being set up in Amsterdam. Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that during tough economic times, having more than two legs sometimes puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to getting enough to eat.

The Chairman of Animal Rescue Nederland, Jack de Jongh, says that pet food is often the first expense that poor people cut back on when times are bad, and the credit crisis has reportedly made it more difficult for many owners to take good care of their pets. So the foundation, with the support of several other organisations, has risen to the challenge and is appealing to manufacturers of animal foods for help in creating food parcels for the pets of families suffering financial hardship.

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