vrijdag 13 februari 2009

A Cheesy Taste of Amsterdam

While museums and sightseeing might be top of the list on a trip to Amsterdam, no trip to the Dutch capital is complete without trying some of its most popular cheeses.

Of all the Dutch cheeses available, probably the most internationally known is Gouda. Although named after the city of Gouda, very little of the cheese is actually made here, with a large amount of the production taking place in Amsterdam itself. For this reason, Gouda is typically available throughout the capital - traditionally made from cow's milk, it works well as both a table and a desert cheese.

Naturally a cheese-fuelled trip to Amsterdam should involve making time for sampling another one of Amsterdam's most famous cheeses, Old Amsterdam. A gourmet cheese made from pasteurised cow's milk, the Amsterdam classic is known for its strong, nutty flavour and firm, smooth texture.

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